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Shred Cheese

  • 자연치즈

    Natural Cheese

    Our product is shredded natural 100% fresh cheese made into a convenient form. We offer 'Mozzarella' known for its chewiness and exceptional stretch, along with the distinct flavors and rich aroma of Cheddar, Gouda, and more. Customized production is also possible by mixing these.
    1. Product Type

      Mozzarella/Cheddar/Gouda/Mixed etc.

    2. Product Use

      Pizza Cheese, various cooking toppings etc.

    3. Packaging Unit


    4. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)/Freezing (-18℃ or below)

    5. Manufacturer


  • 엔젤헤어

    Angel Hair

    It is thinly shredded cheese made from 100% fresh natural cheese. It melts quickly under heat and is soft. We offer high-quality Mozzarella and flavorful Cheddar.
    1. Product Type

      Mozzarella/Cheddar etc.

    2. Product Use

      Pizza Cheese, Salad etc.

    3. Packaging Unit


    4. Storage Instructions

      Freezing (-18℃ or below)

    5. Manufacturer


  • 믹스치즈

    Mixed Cheese

    This product is a mix of natural mozzarella cheese and processed cheese. It is more affordable than natural cheeses, making it widely used as a topping for various dishes. Through different mixing ratios, a variety of mixed products can be created.
    1. Product Type

      Natural Cheese+Mozzaana etc.

    2. Product Use

      Pizza Cheese, various cooking toppings etc.

    3. Packaging Unit


    4. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)/Freezing (-18℃ or below)

    5. Manufacturer


  • 가공치즈

    Processed Cheese

    This processed cheese is developed as an alternative to natural mozzarella. It offers a more affordable price compared to natural cheese and features Mozzaana, known for its softness, as well as Fresh, containing up to 30% natural mozzarella. This improves the firming process of the cheese while maintaining its soft texture.
    1. Product Type

      Mozzaana/Fresh/Mozzaana+Fresh etc.

    2. Product Use

      Pizza Cheese, various cooking toppings etc.

    3. Packaging Unit


    4. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)/Freezing (-18℃ or below)

    5. Manufacturer


  • 하이멜트치즈

    High-melt Cheese

    Unlike regular cheese, this has a high-melting point when heated. It is widely used in high-temperature cooking, and it is a processed cheese that can maintain its unique shape even when exposed to high heat.
    1. Product Use

      Ham, Sausage, Hot bar ingredients, Various toppings etc.

    2. Packaging Unit


    3. Storage Instructions

      Freezing (-18℃ or below)

    4. Manufacturer


  • Parmesan Cheese

    This is 100% Parmesan cheese with no other mixtures added. It has a rich taste and flavor and it comes in two different forms: powdered “Grated” and thinly shredded “Shred.”
    1. Product Type


    2. Product Use

      Salad, Pasta, Various cooking toppings etc.

    3. Packaging Unit

      Inquiry required

    4. Storage Instructions

      Freezing (-18℃ or below)

    5. Manufacturer


Spead Cheese

  • 허니리코타크림치즈

    Honey Ricotta Cream Cheese

    This is a superior cream cheese that contains 65.6% natural cream cheese, which gives it an excellent taste and aroma even compared to imported products. The soft texture and the savory taste that fills your mouth are exceptional.
    1. Product Use

      Bagel, Sandwich, Canapé, Salad, Dessert ingredients etc.

    2. Packaging Unit


    3. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)

    4. Manufacturer


  • 체다스프레드치즈

    Cheddar Spread Cheese

    This processed cheese retains the unique flavor of Cheddar cheese and has a soft texture and fluidity, making it well suited to any food.
    1. Product Use

      Pizza topping, chicken drizzle, burger sauce, mac and cheese ingredients etc.

    2. Packaging Unit


    3. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)

    4. Manufacturer


  • 로마노체다크림치즈

    Romano Cheddar Cream Cheese

    This premium processed cheese contains Pecorino Romano cheese from Italy, giving it a distinctive flavor. It combines the smooth texture of cream cheese and the unique taste of Cheddar cheese, making it universally liked due to its sweet and salty flavor.
    1. Product Use

      Pizza topping, burger sauce, bakery ingredients etc.

    2. Packaging Unit


    3. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)

    4. Manufacturer


  • Double Fondue Cheese

    Double Fondue Cheese

    This Fondue cheese has a double savory flavor, obtained by optimally mixing Cheddar and Gouda cheeses, both known for their unique taste and aroma.
    1. Product Use

      Spicy food, pork belly, strongly seasoned confectioneries etc.

    2. Packaging Unit


    3. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)

    4. Manufacturer


  • Banana Cream Cheese

    Banana Cream Cheese

    Made primarily with cream cheese, this premium cream cheese is smooth in texture and rich in banana flavor and aroma.
    1. Product Use

      Sandwiches, bakery etc.

    2. Packaging Unit


    3. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)

    4. Manufacturer


Slice Cheese

  • Individually Wrapped Slices

    Individually Wrapped Slices

    This is a square slice cheese that is individually wrapped in IWS type, making it great for various dishes.
    1. Product Type

      Delrich Slice Cheese

    2. Product Use

      Sandwiches, bakery etc.

    3. Packaging Unit

      1.8 kg (100 slices)

    4. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)

    5. Manufacturer

      Dongwon F&B

  • Slice On Slice

    Slice On Slice

    It is a slice cheese that is convenient to use in SOS type, hygienically manufactured with an automated system, and packed with nitrogen for high preservation and safety. Custom production is possible by adjusting the thickness and number of slices as per customer's requirement.
    1. Product Type

      Mozzarella/Cheddar/Gouda/Emmental/Processed Cheese etc.

    2. Product Use

      Sandwiches, hamburgers, bakery etc.

    3. Packaging Unit

      Inquiry required

    4. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)

    5. Manufacturer

      Delrich Lab

Block Cheese

  • Natural Cheese Block

    Natural Cheese Block

    Natural cheese blocks can be shredded or sliced for use in various dishes.
    1. Product Type

      Mozzarella Block/Cheddar Block/Gouda Block/Emmental Block/Parmesan Block etc.

    2. Product Use

      Pizza Cheese, Cheese Tonkatsu, Hamburger

    3. Packaging Unit

      Inquiry required

    4. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)/Freezing (-18℃ or below)

  • Processed Cheese Block

    Processed Cheese Block

    Developed as an alternative to natural cheese blocks, there are soft and highly stretchable Mozzaana Block and Fresh Block which contains less than 30% of natural Mozzarella.
    1. Product Type

      Mozzaana Block/Fresh Block etc.

    2. Product Use

      Pizza Cheese, Cheese Rice Cake, Hamburger etc.

    3. Packaging Unit

      Inquiry required

    4. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)

    5. Manufacturer


Other Products

  • String Cheese

    String Cheese

    It is a 100% American-made string cheese boasting the best quality and taste. As a type of fresh cheese that does not go through the aging process, it features a chewy and mild flavor with the unique scent and taste of milk.
    1. Product Type

      Leprino 14mm

    2. Product Use

      Distributors, Pizza production, Franchise supply etc.

    3. Packaging Unit


    4. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)/Freezing (-18℃ or below)

    5. Manufacturer


  • Bocconcini


    It is a 100% mozzarella cheese made by shaping fresh mozzarella curd into bite-sized rounds, allowing you to taste the flavor of fresh milk.
    1. Product Use

      Salad, Pasta, Pizza, Soup etc.

    2. Packaging Unit


    3. Storage Instructions

      Freezing (-18℃ or below)

    4. Manufacturer

      FMK Dairy

  • Cream Cheese

    Cream Cheese

    It is a cream cheese that is less sour, soft, and has the full flavor of cheese.
    1. Product Use

      Sandwiches, Canapés, Bakery Ingredients etc.

    2. Packaging Unit


    3. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)

    4. Manufacturer


  • Product Raw Material Block

    Product Raw Material Block

    As a block cheese used as an ingredient in products, it can be custom-produced by cutting and processing the block to fit the customer's desired specifications and weight.
    1. Product Use

      Ingredients for Cheese Tonkatsu etc.

    2. Packaging Unit

      Inquiry Required

    3. Storage Instructions

      Refrigeration (0 to 10℃)/Freezing (-18℃ or below)

    4. Manufacturer

      Delrich Lab